Gog and Magog Nations and the Survival of Cain's Descendants during the Great Flood: Reveals how Noah and Cain descendants survived during the great flood by Mr Goodnews Deinma Adolphus Rev
Gog and Magog Nations and the Survival of Cain's Descendants during the Great Flood: Reveals how Noah and Cain descendants survived during the great flood by Mr Goodnews Deinma Adolphus Rev PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book reveals that two worlds of Adam exist. One set of people existed first before the other based on several biblical evidence taking from the book of Genesis to Revelation whose book in the bible reflects that of the old Testament events such as the Serpent called the “Devil and Satan, the Deceiver of the whole world” who deceived Adam and Eve, the undisclosed survival of Cain descendants and other tribes around the world, war of Gog and Magog, mentioned in the book of Ezekiel and Revelation, the Saints living in the Sea and many more!From reader reviews:
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