Sunday, November 15, 2015

PDF⋙ My Reality: As It Appears at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century by Stan Green

My Reality: As It Appears at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century by Stan Green

My Reality: As It Appears at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century

My Reality: As It Appears at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century by Stan Green PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? In My Reality, author Stan Green examines and attempts to answer these three basic questions confronting humanity. Writing from the perspective of a well-read and educated person who has lived through the last half of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century, Green presents his ideas based on the study of both history and science.

My Reality tracks the historical events that molded the scientific, political, and religious thinking that has shaped the world. Beginning with the Big Bang, Green traces the development of the universe, life, and history of humanity over thirteen billion, seven hundred million years to provide a snapshot of human existence today. He bases his thoughts on the understanding that reality changes as the knowledge base regarding the state of everything changes, with even the smallest modification resulting in our species or culture being significantly different.

As Green examines our understanding of the universe and our place in it, he offers several probable scenarios that could mark our future.

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