How to Investigate UFOs using your Smart Phone: Tools, tips, tricks and cutting-edge UFO investigation techniques by John Clark Craig
How to Investigate UFOs using your Smart Phone: Tools, tips, tricks and cutting-edge UFO investigation techniques by John Clark Craig PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The goal of all UFO research is to get to the truth.
Today, the average Field Investigator has access to technology and tools way beyond what was imagined as possible just a few short years ago.
Instead of spending hours at a library, or having to call a local observatory, or a local weather station, or an Air Traffic Control center, or a nearby U.S. Air Force Base for heavens sake, today we can get those same answers nearly instantly and by our own actions.
The book How to Investigate UFOs using your Smart Phone's intention is to open some eyes to how we can all get to the truth faster, more accurately, and using our own smarts instead of relying on the possibly filtered and controlled information from others.
May the truth be known by all!
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