While Drowning in the Desert by Don Winslow
While Drowning in the Desert by Don Winslow PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Neal Carey is assigned to escort monkeyish octogenarian Natty Silver home from Las Vegas to Palm Springs. Natty, once a burlesque top banana, has a nonstop barrage of corny jokes, an eye for an aging cocktail waitress, and a chronic disappearing act. Neal can see why Natty doesn't want to go home. Sole witness to a crime, he's now the quarry of hard-faced suits, a fascist con artist, and a career-track assassin. And Neal--racing through the trackless desert, brooding on his inner child by freezing starlight, and looking down the barrel of one gun too many--is soon on the brink of a surprise watery grave.From reader reviews:
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